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Get a Visa

All applicants seeking a visa to travel to the Democratic Republic of the Congo are requested to visit the following link for visa processing applications.

Tourist Visa

This visa is issued at any accredited Congolese Consulate. It grants tourists/visitors the authorization to enter the country through designated ports of entry such as airports and harbor stations.

Business Visa

The business visa is issued for various reasons such as making feasibility studies, establishing professional and business contacts, and making arrangements for investments in the Democratic Republic of  the Congo.

Official / Diplomatic Visa

Official / Diplomatic visas are granted to Diplomatic passport bearers, Official passport bearers or United Nations Laissez-Passer bearers who intend to travel to the Democratic Republic of the Congo on official business matters.

Visa Fees

Please note that all applications submitted to the embassy are reviewed by the Democratic Republic of Congo immigration services. The issuance of visas, including visa duration and a number of entries, is thus at the discretion of the immigration services. The immigration services reserve the right to issue or deny visas to any applicants.


Six months multiple entries: ₹ 21.200 INR

Three months multiple entries: ₹ 13.250 INR

One month single entry: ₹ 6100 INR

Visa fees are accepted either by Cash or Demand Draft which should be in favour of " Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo " payable at New Delhi. Once paid visa fees are non-refundable.​


Submission & Withdrawal of Documents

​(Visa applications are accepted and delivered on working days from Monday to Friday.)

Visa Applications submitted : 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 
Delivery of Documents ( Passport ) : 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Processing Time

At least 10 working days is necessary from the day a visa application request is received. This processing time is given as a general guideline. Visas will not be processed if they are requested more than three months in advance of your planned dates of travel. The Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in New Delhi does not offer any rush or expedited services.

For foreign Officials / Diplomatic requests visa are processed on the same day or within 24 hours from the day a visa application request is received.

Please be aware that no Congolese visa will be issued at any port of entry in the Democratic Republic of Congo. All visa applications should be submitted prior to the date of departure at the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in New Delhi.

Required Documents

A valid passport ( at least six months of validity beyond your period of stay in the Democratic Republic of Congo and two unused pages left ).


Three colored passport photographs ( not older than two months ) must be 2 x 2 inch, 35 x 45 mm or 35 x 35 mm ( 5 x 5 cm, 3.5 x 4.5 cm, 3.5 x 3.5 cm ) with a white background, and show a full front view of the face.


Three passport copy with the relevant pages of the passport and a copy of the national Identity Card.

Submit three copies of the visa application form filled out completely and signed. Leaving any portions of the visa application blank will result in the delay of your visa approval process.


International Certificate of Vaccination for Yellow Fever.

A typewritten business sponsorship letter from Indian company should be notarized at the City Hall / Hotel de Ville on company letterhead stating the nature of business to be performed, providing a financial guarantee, the name and address of a reference to be contacted in the Democratic Republic of Congo or a sponsored letter attested by the Directorate General of Immigration ( DGM ) and it must also be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The invitation letter must be addressed to the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in New Delhi Visa section. No business visa will be granted without an official business letter and please be aware that the business invitation letter should be at least 3 months ( 90 Days ) valid.


A copy of your airline ticket showing arrival and departure dates in the Democratic Republic of Congo is mandatory.


An invitation letter typewritten and notarized at the City Hall / Hotel de Ville stating the nature of the trip, the name and address of a reference to be visited, providing a financial guarantee. The invitation letter must be addressed to the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in New Delhi, and should be at least 3 months ( 90 Days ) valid.

It is important to note that for parents traveling with their children or legal guardians traveling with their dependents, a proof of parenthood or legal custody such as court order or birth certificate of the child may be required before a visa can be issued ( Notarized document ).


Submit a photocopy of the previous visa obtained at the Embassy of Democratic Republic of Congo, if any.


A proof of availability of sufficient funds with at least 5000 USD for the first 6 months during your stay in the Democratic Republic of Congo including the expenses for medical treatment by producing documents such as bank statement, sponsorship letter, medical insurance etc.




The Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in India, highly encourages all visa applicants to fulfill all the requirements listed above. Refusal to provide all the correct documents will result in the systematic rejection of your visa application requests.​

Click here to download the Visa Application Form

Address: E6/5, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - 110057


Twitter: DR Congo Embassy in India

Telephone: +91 11-2618-3354 / 4166-0976, Fax: +91 11-41663152

© 2023. Ambassade de la République Démocratique du Congo en Inde

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